Following the illustrious graduation ceremony at Solusi University, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe and en route to Harare, Pastor Ted Wilson and his wife Nancy, together with Zimbabwe Church leaders of the Seventh-day Adventist church and Officers of the Southern Africa Indian Ocean Division attended a meeting hosted by the Multi-cultural ministerial department of the Zimbabwe Union.
Pastor Ted Wilson shared a message based on 1 Corinthians chapter 12 and highlighted the verse: “My grace is sufficient for thee and my strength is made perfect in weakness” to encourage the members as we await the second coming of Jesus Christ. He further encouraged a spirit of unity, which is so important in accomplishing the plan of reaching the multi-cultural people groups of the cities. A call was made to pray for Seventh-day Adventists as intentional efforts are being made to reach different population groups in more than 630 cities of the world through various methods. He highlighted the use of literature, mobilising the youth, medical missionary work and involvement of the youth. He affirmed the group that they are “very much part of the world family of Seventh-day Adventists.”
A special item of music was shared by the choir “In His Hands,” a multi-cultural choir with members of all age groups.
To the group of about 100 people, he encouraged a spirit of unity and co-operation. Many people resonated with the statement he quoted from Testimonies Vol. 8, page 10-12 that “there should be no despondency in God’s work.” The group was encouraged to hold the Lord’s hand as he emphasised the initiative of “Tell the World” and “Mission to the Cities.”
The group of Leaders was also greeted by 28 orphans of the Queen Elizabeth Adventist Children’s Home. The home, which has been in existence for 60 years is currently being managed by Stella Soutter. He spoke of the hope we have in Jesus. Pastor Paul Ratsara, SID President offered a special prayer before departure to Harare where Pastor Wilson and his wife Nancy, together with the officers of the Southern Africa Indian Ocean Division prepared for their trip to Zambia.
Dr Paul Charles
SID Communication – We Connect …
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