The World Health Organization through its slogan, “Health for all” calls for all Governments, Non- Governmental Organizations and individuals to adopt and implement those practices that will promote total and comprehensive health at both individual and community level. It is no wonder therefore that in Botswana various Government Departments and NGOs have wellness sectors whose main purpose is to promote good healthful practices and support members of staff in need of health assistance. This philosophy is in line with the Adventist philosophy of restoration of humans to their original status. From the church’s point of view a holistic approach toward addressing various challenges that humans so frequently face is the answer to Health for all. Health Expo is the church’s way of bringing practical programs on “how to feel better and live longer” to people everywhere. Through eight illustrated exhibits, a practical program on “how to live healthfully” is beautifully portrayed in art and action. Community health professionals explain and demonstrate simply and scientifically “Eight Steps to Better Living” through Health Expo health education exhibits. The EXPO visitors are able to see, hear, feel, and even taste the experience of “Total Health” in these eight action-packed centers:
Nutrition, Exercise, Water, Sunlight, Temperance, Air, Rest and Trust in Divine Power.
Through this programme the highest possible quality of life is presented so that HEALTH FOR ALL is an experience everyone visiting the EXPO may enjoy and share.
It was in the light of this that on 9th to the 11th of September, 2014 The SID in collaboration with BUC and the office of the Gaborone City Mayor organized a Health Expo for VIPs in Gaborone. This was a three day action packed programme held at the City Hall which had to be face lifted, a service that was happily done by the Adventist church as its social contribution to the community. The facelift cost over P35000.00. Each station was manned by carefully selected well trained health professionals from Kanye Adventist Hopspital, Botswana Adventist Medical Services and Adventists who serve in Private Practices and the University of Botswana. These could provide evidence based information on the advice given to each visitor. Special Guests Dr Paul Ratsara, SID and Dr Nedley of Weimer, USA gave well woven lectures on health and spirituality. The whole programme was embraced with a lot of enthusiasm by the visitors. Their feedback at the end of the program has encouraged the church to consider rolling the programme to various Ministries and Departments. Many who attended and these included Judges, Parliamentarians, Councillors, Senior Police officers, Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly showed a desire to change their life styles. Top on the list of those desiring to change their lifestyles was the City Mayor who to our delight did not miss any of the meetings. Dr Kenaope Kenaope, BUC President, and Dr Mazonde, BUC Health Ministries Director, extended a further invitation for more discussion on Biblical and Health matters as per the convenience of the civic leaders. Botswana Police Service has already requested for more interaction with the Adventist Church regarding Family Life, Health and Spiritual Nurture.
We believe that this expo helped the church reach to an often unreached class of our society. It helped in the establishment of relationships that will be difficult to break. We can only hope the church has in a small way contributed toward a better Botswana and world which is our responsibility and mandate. Jesus says, “As you have done it to the least of my brethren you have done it unto me”.
By Pako Mokgwane
BUC Communications Director
The Adventist Men in Barberton Mpumalanga plans a health expo scheduled for June 2015 but request assistance on the planning, registration forms and flyers.