
Hope For Luanda

The Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division has chosen the city of Luanda in Angola to be the focus of an integrated evangelism initiative in 2013.   While members of the SID EXCOM watched a DVD Presentation of motivation for the initiative, excitement filled the auditorium as support, for the initiative was unanimous.

Dr Pardon Mwansa speaking after the presentation said: “It is a great plan, involving every Union of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in focused evangelism and is indeed blessed by God.  In the details and planning of integrated evangelism, we are looking at a larger picture than just soul winning, as it traditionally understood.  We are encouraging creative initiatives that will impact our cities. We must influence life in Luanda and not just fill our churches.”

Pastor Mulambo, SID Personal Ministries Director, in his promotion said:  “We encourage each church to be actively involved in mission and ministry – sharing Jesus with lost people everywhere.  Mission to the Cities is part of the initiative embraced by the Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division.  This initiative is part of Lift Up Christ, Tell the World initiative.  The Lord is guiding the Seventh-day Adventist Church to respond to the pen of inspiration’s clarion call to evangelize the cities.”

This is a comprehensive evangelistic effort mobilizing all ages in the church.  In responding to the role youth should play Pastor Busi Khumalo said: “The SID youth ministries department welcomes this initiative because world trends indicate that urban areas are inhabited by young people. Young people are dynamic, highly educated, sophisticated and some are apathetic to matters of faith. As such, urban evangelism could not have come at a better time because if Jesus is to come soon, then we would need to engage in extraordinary measures to reach the elite in the world’s societies. We, therefore, trust that as we embark on this initiative, we would be intentional in including SDA youths to reach out to their world counterparts in the world.”


Paul Charles

SID Communication – We Connect

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