
Revived By His Word

Seventh-day Adventists have been taking the lead in a daily Bible reading plan (Revived by His Word) under the initiative Revival and Reformation since April 17, 2012.  By reading one chapter each day, and two chapters during the General Conference Session in San Antonio Texas, the Bible Study Plan will conclude by the end of the session with 1,189 chapters of the Bible read and studied.

Delegates at the year-end meetings of the Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division began their meetings with the reading of the chapter for the day, Joshua chapter 13.

“It is the practice of all our organizations within the SID territory to begin our daily meetings with the opening of the Bible,” said Dr Solomon Maphosa, Executive Secretary of the SID.  He further mentioned that every morning, the chapter for that day is read during the morning worship at the SID Office.

The Southern Africa Indian Ocean Division is totally committed to the reading of God’s Word and will continue with the daily Bible reading plan.  Reading the Bible together, as a world church, contributes to the unity of the church, which is crucial to the calling of the church.

“The study of God’s Word accomplishes at least four major things in relationship to revival:

  • it provides a foundation for a true revival
  • it stimulates, fosters and sustains true revival
  • it counteracts false revivals
  • it creates an understanding of and commitment to God’s mission.

A statement, released by the General Conference, adds that the study of God’s Word leading to a life-changing experience with Jesus is not optional in revival; it is foundational.  “The Bible, the foundation upon which every Seventh-day Adventist must base his or her faith, is God’s Word. … Let us recommit ourselves to being people of the book, to being people who are revived by the Word of God” Pastor Ted N.C. Wilson, General Conference President.

Let us remember: “The creative energy that called the worlds into existence is the word of God. This word imparts power; it begets life. Every command is a promise; accepted by the will, received into the soul, it brings with it the life of the Infinite One. It transforms the nature and re-creates the soul in the image of God” Education, p.126.

Paul Charles

SID Communication – We Connect

Comments (1)

  1. Willard Sichilima

    Revived by his word is a blessed program

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