
Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division Launches A New Spirit Of Prophecy Resource Book

The Ellen G. White Research Centre based at Helderberg College of Higher Education, in Cape Town, South Africa, has released a Resource Book entitled,  Understanding a Prophet. This is a fresh appreciation of the writings and works of Ellen G. White’s Prophetic Ministry, with selected readings on her theological teachings and practical lessons.

This Resource Book was Authored and Compiled by Dr Passmore Hachalinga, the Director for the Ellen G. White Research and Heritage Centre, in the Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division, based in Cape Town, South Africa.

The following are the highlights of the Content Details found in this unique, but user-friendly Spirit of Prophecy Resource Book.

Part I:

  • The book starts with a brief biblical teaching on the prophetic gift.
  • It then highlights important stages in Ellen White’s life.
  • It lets Ellen White speak about her visions and dreams, her calling, her writing work, and her response to her critics.
  • The book presents endorsements of her prophetic ministry from her contemporaries and from the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
  • The work of the White Estate and Research Centres is explained.
  • Brief rules of interpreting prophetic writings are also included.

Part II:

  • In this section, the book presents selected readings on 28 different topics addressed by Ellen White (no relationship to the 28 fundamental beliefs).
  • The purpose of these readings is to provide relevant resources for personal devotional reading, family worship, small group or congregational study.
  • Preachers and Lay-people will find these resources to be powerful sermon dynamites.
  • The key to abbreviations lists several sources that are vital for further study.
  • While not perfect, nor exhaustive, this book will become a go-to resource for obtaining “a clear understanding of the nature and influence of the Testimonies” to help a church that is getting ready for translation.

This most sort after Resource Book, was launched on-line and released on the 30th of January, 2022. Both the pastors and lay-members are challenged to read and make use of this informative and Resource Book, in shading more light and to understand the works of Ellen G. White. The book is now available from Ellen G. White Research Centre in Cape Town and for those who would like to place orders, the contact details are:

Claudia Clarke +27 21 850 7560, Email: clarkec@hche.ac.za

or also available from the SID Head Office in Pretoria and the contact details are:

Admire Senoamadi +27 81 725 7994, Email: senoamadia@sid.adventist.org

Article: Dr Passmore Hachalinga & Noel Sibanda

Photograph: Courtesy Dr Hachalinga

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