Ted Wilson, president of worldwide Seventh-day Adventist Church, thanked the government of Zimbabwe for the religious liberty enjoyed in Zimbabwe. He further congratulated the country for a constitution wherein is entrenched the freedom to worship according to one’s conscience. At Gweru, on Sabbath, March 10, 2012, more than 12 000 Adventists welcomed Dr Ted Wilson, flanked by the Officers of the Southern Africa Indian Ocean Division and the Zimbabwe Union Conference. He was welcomed with a guard of honour by the Pathfinders and Master-guides.
Wilson, made constant reference to the Spirit of Prophecy in his message. He affirmed that our rule of faith should be the Bible. He espoused that the Word of God, the Bible, is our guide as we enter into eternity while we live on this earth. He expressed gratitude for the privilege to worship freely and religious liberty and a constitution that guarantees that freedom.
Seventh-day Adventists were reminded that they are waiting for the second coming of Jesus Christ and that their minds should not be diverted from that anticipated meeting when He comes. He also explained the plan of salvation and affirmed the biblical understanding of the sanctuary as taught by the Seventh-day Adventist church. He issued a call to the church to proclaim the three angels message. He said: “Lift up high the true worship of God and announce the everlasting gospel and that judgment has come.” Referring to many fundamental biblical truths of the Seventh-day Adventist church, he encouraged people to constantly grow in Christ. He encouraged the youth to align their lives with the Word of God.
Ted Wilson explained the transformational experience of a person when they accept Christ as their saviour.
“Our faith must be an intelligent faith… rooted in the Word of God,” he said.
Dr Paul Charles
SID Communication - We Connect
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