
When the Lord says YES…No one can say NO

God helps the Seventh-day Adventist Church break the barriers created by Kalupetechists in the populations around the Huambo, Projecto neighbourhood.

Projecto is a new neighbourhood, which soon grew so much. However, the Seventh-day Adventist Church did not grow there either. Or rather, it did not even exist in this place, which is about 8 km away from the city of Huambo, home of the Southwest Union of Angola. However, innumerable times have tried to establish there the church. The attempts failed because of the intransigence of the main member of the traditional authorities, so-called “Soba”, that “for him, Adventists were not welcome.” The position of the “soba” was due to the effects of the extinct sect called “a Luz do Mundo no Sétimo Dia”, of José Jolino Kalupeteca. It should be recalled that the Angolan Government extinguished that religious sect after its leaders and followers murdered police officers, in 2015, on the outskirts of Cáala. However, contrary to previous times, this time, the Seventh-day Adventist Church of Essaque, commune of Chicala Choloanga, decided to pray, taking the case into the hands of the Lord. What was not the astonishment of the entourage that moved in this place for the first contact with the soba! Hear loudly, a testimony of the “Soba” or Chief, not only the authorization and concession of a land, but also the vision he had from God. According to reports of Pastor Capessa, days before the arrival of the entourage, the “Soba” had a dream. “I saw a bludgeon or stick glittering, but I could not see the hand that held it,” reported the Shepherd. Proceeding, the traditional leader revealed that “I fell on the ground without strength … as soon as I saw you arrive here, I pretended I could not resist the will of God,” he said. Upon hearing this account, the brothers praised God, and at the same time asked the Soba to come and tell the story to the faithful of the synagogue, whose opening took place on November 18, 2017. See the images, the soba is dressed in white shirt, counting the testimony.


by Diamantino Sawambo

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